Saturday, June 3, 2017

A Long-winded summary of the last few months/past year??

This was last updated 3 years ago, but I wanted to start journaling again (more on this later) so I'm writing here.

It's 2am and officially time for an episode of Hey girl, I know it's the weekend, but you really need to get the fuck to sleep. But first...

I've been a bit of a troglodyte this year. Part of it is balancing health stuff, and I've been going to great lengths to avoid being sick/missing work (I only work PT so not missing it is key since it's hard to extend my hours) and trying to take care of some personal stuff, so here's my attempt at reaching out. The larger world has some pretty chaotic shit going down and being bombarded with it constantly when I'm struggling to stay healthy/self-care really fucks with my depression and anxiety. For those who don't know, I'm on two anti-depressants and in therapy. So when I say I spend most of my time trying to care for self & house, it's true.

I've posted in a more Doogie Howser-esque diary in the past and also I have a more writer-y blog, but this is just my attempts at memory keeping and taking a break from current projects while keeping my friends updated. Most posts will NOT be this long.

In March, I got really into classical music, because it soothes my head during headache flares and keeps me calmer while I'm driving. My headaches have been bad this year. I've looked up why they occur in general and causes include changes in weather, caffeine imbalances, hormones, dehydration, allergies, hunger, stress, aaand the list goes on. They get really bad when the weather gets stormy and when temperature shifts drastically, my body loudly voices its displeasure. So multiple times a week (apparently this is going to get worse with climate change so suuuuper excited for that...NOT!)! To combat it, I go to acupuncture to avoid extra medication and to help with pain and sleep. I've increased how often I go since last year, and it's been a godsend.

April was spent moving in. We're still getting settled and changing over address. When I feel good on the weekends, I want to do chores around the house, go see my family/help them, and go see friends. But doing all this without overextending/exhausting myself to where I'm too sick to work is hard to do. When I make plans to see friends, I feel bad about not doing stuff around the house. When I do things around the house, I feel anti-social. When I see family, I miss my friends. I basically always feel like I'm missing out on something. But usually, I try to balance chores/errands with rest/dog cuddles, and that takes up lots of time.

I've also been working on a few projects like trying to write more (and following through on editing/critiquing self which is its own challenge) and genealogy. Patrick and I have a movie jar we've been picking from which includes new-to-us movies with a few exceptions. I miss seeing friends, but it takes a lot out of me, and since I don't like to see them when I'm moody/painful/feeling sick that cuts out most times.

I'm still keeping TWB, and if you think of things I should review or topics I should discuss let me know! The Inquisitive Loon writers have gone on to focus on their own writing projects, so I may post a review or two every now and then. I definitely need to post my 3am rambling I did last summer when I stayed awake and watched that movie where Zac Efron plays baseball with his ghost brother...I think that's on my old phone though, so I guess that can be its own project.

Okay, that's enough for now. Next post will be more interesting and brief!!

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