Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Is it too Late for a Mission Statement? Naaaah!

While everyone with a blog has at least some hubris, I've checked out blogs on the internet, and I feel there is an abundance of this showy, dazzling, holier-than-thou attitude. There isn't anything wrong with this on the surface. People are attracted to fine, expensive things. However, I'm talking about snobs. In addition to blogs that hold themselves in high self-esteem, I find that Pinterest greatly contributes to this problem. Don't misunderstand, I LOVE Pinterest and it had something for everyone. That's what makes it great. 'Merica! The fantastic houses, the simple home projects, all the beautiful pictures. I am addicted to it, most likely because I'm not middle/upper-class (I say both, because upper class think they're middle class more often than not). In order to keep up with the obsessive qualities that are my legacy, I have to, as one pin so accurately assessed, internet hoard. You won't see me on any reality shows, but the characteristics are there. If I had the funds, I would probably wake up with giant shopping bags flooding my gloriously decorated and exalted living room and realize that I'd blacked out while shopping. I've never done this, but I could foresee it going down in an alternate universe.

Although I love nice things, I am primarily a window shopper. My co-workers and friends go shopping, to concerts, wine tastings, and jet set around the U.S...and I can't relate to that. It has nothing to do with cutting back on what I DO spend money on, because there is no opportunity at this point in time for me to save. That's just fact.

The point of this blog is to not only relate my thoughts to the public, but also to provide a balance to the blogs where the bloggers "make it rain," and then encourage you to do the same. Don't worry, this isn't a "financial" blog, nor will I try to provide helpful tips to the poor like "Take a walk!" or "hold hands with a loved one" or weird shit like that. I'm here to say that I'm not better than you, cooler than you, or more important than you. I am fun, interesting, and a complete weirdo--hence the current blog title. I'll try to convey that as much as possible.

Okay, now that's out of the way, we can move on to more pressing topics.

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